Giving You the Help You Want

These very different times call for a very different approach to my blog, Million Dollar Mindset.

The main purpose of my blog is to help you develop the mindset to create your own million dollar success. Some of you were probably well on your way until a few weeks ago. Then our world changed in a way none of us could have imagined. A way none of us have experienced before.

Some of you may just need a compassionate ear or a place to share your concerns and questions during this unique time.

I understand.

Back when Proforma was a much smaller company, I went through some very tough times. I had no one to talk with. I couldn’t talk with my wife (now my ex). No need for both of us to be very terrified. I couldn’t talk with the employees. They were counting on me for solid leadership and a secure career.

I understand.

That’s why I’m offering to help you. No strings attached. After more than 40 years and building a $500 million dollar company, there’s not much I haven’t seen and worked my way through. Perhaps you just need someone to listen. Perhaps you need input and advice. Perhaps there are others like you who can benefit as well, and I would be happy to create a Master Mind Group to help folks share and care together.

Just email me, [email protected].

Yes these are different times, but perhaps I can make a difference for you.

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